Wednesday, February 23, 2011

School Psych visits Psychology Class

Carolyn Ballinger, USD 331 School Psychologist, Visits KHS Psych Class

Students in Mrs. Bradshaw's psychology class had a visit from the district school psychologist, Carolyn Ballinger, Wednesday.  Ms. Ballinger presented information about IQ tests, their purpose, structure and role in public education.  Other standardized tests like achievement, personality, and developmental tests were addressed.

Students have been studying psychological tests of all kinds and have been learning the theories behind them.  Last week the students took three different assessments to measure their multiple intelligences.  They also had a lesson on statistics where students figured the mean, median and mode of their last test scores and figured the standard deviation.  (Mrs. Bradshaw got a little help from Mr. Zimmerman on that one.)  Later in the week students will complete interest inventories and look at the role of psychology in career planning.

Ballinger shows tiny pieces from an old IQ Test

Students listen intently

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