Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Am. History / Geography get a Student Teacher

Mrs. Vogele - 'The Flapper'

New to the halls of KHS is Brande Vogele, student teacher from Sterling College.  Mrs. Vogele has her Bachelor's Degree in History from Kansas State University and is finishing up her teaching requirements through Sterling's online program.   She currently resides in Harper with her husband and son.  Her teaching responsibilities began in Geography earlier this semester when she took over the class after the first week she arrived.   Students have appreciated her fine PowerPoint presentations over the various European countries they have studied.

At the beginning of February, Mrs. Bradshaw turned over all of the American History classes.  The four American History classes are currently learning about the Roaring 20's and have been using guided notes and completing many unique activities developed by Mrs. Vogele.  She introduced a lesson on the women of the 1920's by coming to school dressed as a 'flapper'.  The class also has participated in a group lesson on the Charleston that was very entertaining for all.  Although Mrs. Vogele will only be with us for a little while longer, she has definitely made her mark at KHS.

Alex is exited about his grade!!!!!!

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