Monday, April 4, 2011

KHS Students Attend Friends Univ. Psych Fair

Thirteen students from the Kingman High School psychology class attended the Friends University Psych Fair, April 4, 2011.  Students were welcomed to the campus and given instructions for the day and then turned loose to visit the numerous psychology booths set up around the perimeter of the gym. Friends psychology students hosted the various booths that ranged from learning about memory and personality to the brain and neuroscience. Many of the booths represented several of the concepts learned throughout the year in psych class.  One of the student's favorite activities was the human maze in the middle of the gym where students worked in teams to find their way through.  One student was completely blindfolded and the other acted as a guide. (See pictures below.)

After a lunch of pizza and pop, drawings for door prizes, and drawings for scholarships, students were able to visit more booths.  Most students were able to view The Really, Really Tall Short Term Memory Show put on by two Friends psych students.  It included a student produced movie and interactive memory games.  Eventually everyone was tired and ready to head for home, but not before several students invested in a cool PSYCHO tee-shirt.

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