Tuesday, October 23, 2012

KHS Students Attend Futures Fair

KHS Students Attend Futures Fair
October 2, 2012, the juniors and a hand-full of seniors from Kingman High School attended the Futures Fair held at Century II in Wichita.  Students explored several  rows of trade schools, colleges and universities who had booths set up for the occasion. The various branches of the military were also represented.  In total there were 84 booths for students to visit. Some students took advantage of the BINGO game activity which made them eligible for a $500.00 scholarship that would be drawn at random from the entries of those who completed their BINGO.  Many students came home with a lot of information from the various presenters. The students were accompanied by Mrs. Hageman and Mrs. Bradshaw.  It was a fast trip and the students spent about an hour on their quest before they headed back to the buses to return to school. 

Mrs. Hageman pointing out the different areas.
Taten explores his options!

Checking it out!

Austin is looking serious about college.

Friends looking at Friends!

Can we play baseball here?

Photo Opportunity!

Oklahoma? Really?
Checking out the Ravens.

Still checking it out!

Filling out paperwork.

Are we lost?
Hattie and Kerry checking out the popcorn!

Do I have a BINGO yet?
Girls looking interested!

Alex thinking about Pitt State.  Go Gorillas!!!!

Should I go to Beauty School?
Bailey tries her hand at the spray-painting simulation.  This technology teaches students to apply an even coat to things like cars and aircraft.
Aaron and Tucker getting serious about this college stuff.


Still looking.

Still checking things out!

Stanley getting that last signature!! Done!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Discovering the Wild West

Every year the first chapter I tackle in American History is Chapter 5:  Changes on the Western Frontier.  I really like this topic and I think the students do also because of where we live.  Students can connect to the settling of the west and feel like they are experts before we even begin.  I always start with a Mythbusters assignment that usually puts most of them in their place.  They realize very quickly that they don't know it all.  We usually discuss why they think or believe the myths about the old west are true and they usually conclude TV and movies are to blame.

One of the performance based activities we do in this chapter includes role plays of some of the famous people of this time, like Calamity Jane, Crazy Horse, Col. Custer, etc.  or more generic characters like a cowboy, miner, homesteader and Indian.  Students research their assigned character and then present information about the character in first person.  A few students really got into the parts and came in costume.

I always try to get the students to see the settling of the west from multiple perspectives, especially the point of view of the Native Americans versus the white settlers.  History books have come a long way in providing different viewpoints of the participants.

Another thing I really enjoy is bringing my 'women's work' display to let students see and touch some of the tools used by pioneer women.  Many students have very little knowledge of these artifacts and find this a very interesting day. 

I am a little sad because the high school scope and sequence doesn't include this time period and I will probably be forced to give up this chapter one of these days.  Change is hard! 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Escape To Wonderland Prom 2012

Escape to Wonderland

Prom 2012 has come and gone and we survived.  Escape to Wonderland was a great success.  This year's junior class went with an Alice in Wonderland inspired theme and really brought it to life with their invitations, decorations and choice of dessert.  Below is Kingman High School's version of Wonderland.
Check out the cake centerpieces.

Tea Party in the forest

Red Queen and her castle

Mad Hatter, Alice and the Cheshire Cat 


Mushroom Forest


White Queen Castle

Pool of Tears